Thursday, September 11, 2014

Quinn's Newborn Photos

It's All Quinn, All the Time around here lately.  But what did you expect? :)

We recently got newborn photos done with Quinn, and added some family photos in there too.  Harper threw the biggest fit ever of her life that morning while we were there (she had a bit of an adjustment period after the baby was born...), so it's a miracle there are decent pictures of her!!  Quinn was a week old and decided to be awake and screamy for most of it, even though she had until that moment never been awake for more than a few minutes at a time.  It was funny - Harper was the same way - wide awake in most of her newborn photos.  While you can't get those squishy sleepy baby pics as easily that way, you do get lots of wide-eyed shots, which I love just as much.

For you local folks, we used Jill Childs Photography. She was excellent and patient and timely and great - I'd definitely recommend. 

Call me vain, but this might be my favorite: 

There are 20 and I'm subjecting you to them all.  

 This is the smile of a kid trying to roll a wagon and her sister away.

This one cracks me up.

Quinn was screaming while Harper ran rampant through the poor photographer's house.  But the picture is pretty!

I love this one.  Real life.  Harper trying to console her crying sister.

Those lips!!

I love this one too.  This kid makes some funny faces.

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